
God will only choose Matt 22:14 workers that diligently 2 Tim 2:15 through obedience Acts 5:32 live his spirit Gal 5:22-23, Matt 4:4, Matt 6:33 his way Isa 28:9-10. This is why only few are chosen.
The chosen will walk on streets of gold forever, all the rest will be eternally placed outside the walls Rev 22:15 of his coming city on the new earth Rev 21. Only those who love love 1 John 4:8 with all their heart, soul, mind and strength will be chosen.
This is why I am told not to strive to save anyone. I wish I could save you all, I have tried before and was spanked for it.
No one is given ears to hear this true Gospel of God until the Father draws them John 6:44, Ezek 36:26. God the Father will only draw those of this earth who are humble Isa 57:15. The humble do not lean on their own understanding.
The soon coming tribulation will soon humble a multitude in this world Rev 7:14, Rev 11:6 those still alive during that time will then be given ears to hear Matt 13:16 his true testimony Rev 12:17.

All of us have to learn our eternal lessons the hard way – be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. The truth is delivered John 8:45. The believers of this world are worshiping the god of hate murder and revenge John 8:44 in the name of eternal love 1 John 4:8. Repent and believe the Gospel!

1 comment:

  1. The law of love was given by Jesus, love God and neighbor and on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets and Jesus said that no other commandments are greater than these two. The 10 are what you need saved from due to your sin.
